Watermelon and Feta Salad with Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

Watermelon and Feta Salad with Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

Watermelon and Feta Salad with Spicy Pumpkin Seeds


1/2 Tbsp olive oil

1 tsp Epicure’s Fajita Seasoning

5 Tablespoons pumpkin seeds, toasted

½ watermelon cubed

200g cubed feta cheese

Black Pepper (Grinder), to taste

Sea Salt (Grinder), to taste


In a 4 C Prep Bowl bowl mix pumpkin seeds with Fajita and oil.

Lightly toast the pumpkin seeds in the oven, using Sheet Pan lined with Sheet Pan Liner until they start to pop. Leave to cool.

Place watermelon pieces in a bowl or on a plate. Crumble the feta cheese.

Sprinkle with the toasted pumpkin seeds. Season with Sea Salt and Pepper.

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