Luscious Lemon Macarons


Luscious Lemon Macarons


1 c fine almond flour

3/4 c Icing sugar

2 Large egg whites

1/4 t Cream of Tartar

1/4 c white sugar

1 t lemon zest

1/2 t lemon juice - fresh is best

1/2 t PURE vanilla extract

Lemon yellow food colouring

Lemon Curd Ingredients and Directions

1 package Epicure Luscious Lemon Curd

3 whole eggs

1/2 c water

Follow directions on package - can be made in under 3 minutes.


Line baking sheet with Epicure Silicone Liner. Set aside.

In medium bowl, sift together almond flour and powdered sugar. Sift a second time and then set aside. (this is important)

In a large mixing bowl using your electric mixer with whisk attachment, beat the egg whites on medium speed until foamy. Add cream of tartar and continue to beat. Slowly add sugar one tablespoon at a time. Increase the speed to medium high and beat until stiff peaks are achieved. (VERY IMPORTANT) Using your 2 in 1 citrus press squeeze 1/2 lemon into Prep bowl. Add lemon zest, vanilla extract, lemon juice. Beat on medium speed for about one more minute. Add a few drops of yellow color, one drop at a time at a time and mix until desired color is achieved.

Time to SIFT AGAIN - Sift the almond flour mixture over your whipped egg whites. Gently fold the mixture together. (IMPORTANT - check youtube to learn folding method) NOTE: The batter will look very thick at first, but it will get thinner as you fold. Do Not over mix. To test the batter consistency, drop a small amount of the batter from your spatula and count to ten. When the edges of the ribbon are smoothed out within ten seconds, then the batter is ready.

Transfer the batter to your pastry bag. Cut the tip off of the bag and pipe about a 1 inch dollop of batter onto lined baking sheet. Place dollops about 1 inch apart.

PREHEAT oven to 300 Degrees F

Tap your sheet on the counter to get air bubbles out of the batter. Let the batter rest for 15-30 minutes. (You want to be able to lightly touch the batter without having any stick to you finger. - if in a humid area this could take much longer.)

Place baking sheets in oven - center rack. Bake for about 10-15 minutes. (Watch to not brown tops.)

Remove from oven and let cool for 5 minutes on cooling rack. With a spatula carefully remove from liner to a cooling rack. (note if sticky your macaron in undercooked)

Create macaron by place about 1-2 teaspoons on one macaron and place another on top to make a sandwich.

Place your filled Macarons in the fridge in a sealed container.

Macarons are best day 2 or 3 . Macarons and Lemon Curd can be stored in the fridge for up to 1 week or frozen for up to 6 months.

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