Chocolate Berry Mousse

Chocolate Berry Pudding

Chocolate Berry Mouse


1 pkg EPICURE Chocolate Instant Pudding Mix
2 C cold milk
2 Tbsp EPICURE Summer Berry Sweet Dip Mix
1 cup 35% whipping cream
2 Tbsp EPICURE Summer Berry dip
1/4 cup mixed berries


In a bowl, blend Chocolate Pudding in an Instant Mix with milk and 2 Tbsp  Summer Berry Sweet Dip Mix. Using an electric mixer, beat on medium for 2 minutes, let sit in fridge for 10 minutes. In the meantime,  whip cream with 2 Tbsp Summer Berry dip until  soft peaks form.
Remove pudding from fridge and add 3/4 of flavoured whipping cream into chocolate pudding. Fold in carefully to create a mousse. Spoon into small individual bowls. 
Add a small dollop of whipping cream on top and add fruit to decorate. Keep in and refrigerate until chilled,  and ready to serve. 
Such an easy dessert that you can whip up in minutes. 

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