Driving to the Golden Cultural Triangle
Today we head towards the cultural triangle and our destination near Sigiriya. This is going to be a 4-5 hour drive. I am not getting very familiar with the daily police pull overs. We know the routine and have factored extra time into the drive.
At the crack of dawn
Our breakfast is included and I can’t say enough about the AMAZING food here. Every meal blows me away. Savouring every bite,
As you recall, the drive up the hill was VERY narrow and totally out of my comfort zone. All night, I was figuring out a game plan back down to the larger highway.
Before breakfast I check out and asked staff when they expect their truck shipments. I want to avoid the bigger vehicles. (Rules of the road- the biggest vehicle wins or for plan B - safety in numbers. )
We will go when others go. I found a table close to a lovely family from India who hired A DRIVER (smart aren’t they?) When I notice they are ready to leave, so are we. We made the 100-yard dash to the SUV. Thank God for planning. Within minutes we were heading down on the tail of the car in front of us. Safety in numbers. It worked. We were on our way. AGAIN, I STATE, HIRE a DRIVER!!!
WE traveled down from our 2,000 meter elevations of the Central Highlands, passing by many more tea plantations. Breathtaking.
I just had to stop. To see the rolling hills with planted tea trees and brightly clothed pickers in sunshine. Nothing like you would see in Canada. Picture do no justice yet I take many shots hoping I can engrave the image in my memories. Just stunning.
In USA they have hollywood - here they have Mackwood - lol
Roadside cauldrons sit on rocks and open flames. Inside is cook corn –could this be Sri Lankas Drive Thru? 😉.
I haven’t been on the road for more than 30 minutes before I am stopped. Good Grief. A gal just can catch a break. Again, the police do not write me up but it appears the police are becoming more aggressive the further north I travel. (My comfort with being stopped daily is making me more confident in their presence. This will serve me well – Stay tuned.)
Once into the valley, we pass though Knuckle forestry area. This appears to be the spice area. I resisted! I will be travelling back this way, in a few days. I am excited to see spices in their Environment but that will wait. I want to reach our location in good time.
We are now in the Cultural triangle, home of ancient Sinhalese royalty. This area is loaded with ruins and restored temples. From everything I have read, my research indicates is a must visit area when in Sri Lanka.
The ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa were once capitals of the 4th century Sinhalese kingdom. - that has my name all over it. And I am more than ready to do some exploring.
As I turn onto the road past Dambulla, I encounter scary #2. I am pulled over by a police officer but this time the policeman is looking for bribe money.
I weigh my odds. If I pay a bribe, I could be put in jail because of it. Or I could just play dumb and see what happens. I pick option B, play dumb.
He attempts to tell me my International Drivers License is no good. That my passport is not valid, That I passed in a crosswalk. That I have to pay a very big fine. the list continues as he tries to shake me down and produce some cash for his benefit.
He shares that my court case will be difficult and expensive. He says it will take time before I can go so I need to pay now or I can’t leave country… It goes on and on until he has run out of ideas. I will not relent, my decision to NOT pay. I have even asked him for a map to the courthouse for my court date. it is back and forth. He is as persistent as I. The boys watch and say nothing.
After a back and forth for about 15-20 minutes roadside, he FINALLY figures out he can’t get me to pay a rupee. In defeat, he throws my identification into the vehicle and yells. “You go you CRAZY WOMAN you”. He didn’t have to tell me twice. I was out of there!
I am very aware of it travelling further north as a single woman, is not in my best interest, so I will adjust my plans accordingly. I will take it easy. imagine me - taking it easy but I am not turning around and I am not leaving this area until I see what I came to see!
After 3 highway u-turns trying to hunt down our entrance for our accommodation, we FINALLY pulled down a small, small dirt road to find Aliya Resort & Spa. A very large wood gate conceals our beautiful destination. We will be spending 3 days here. The infinity pool with Sigiriya as a backdrop is VERY mesmerizing. .
Aliya means elephant in Sinhala language and as you look around the resort you will see elephants represented in many areas.
The staff are more than welcoming. They are so excited to help us and are always searching on how to make us feel special. I love it here! The hotel is large and NEW (6 months) and there are only about 50 guests.
With all the winding roads and elevation changes we endured, I think I have some vertigo issues as I fell twice. (ha ha) Yes- Ill go with that reason.
The heat and humidity in the afternoon induces the occasional thunderstorm. A small amount of water was on the concrete slab at our hotel room door. As I stepped out the door I discover that my flip flops have no tread. Both legs flew up in air. How embarrassing. I jumped up and tried to play cool. (head shake)
My next tumble was induced as I was trying to capture a photo of the painted elephant and bumped a brick ledge and flew backward landing on my butt. Oh and by the way I was wearing a sun dress.
We are a spectacle with our white skin and me with ass over tea kettle! that folks is how you get noticed 101. We seem to always have eyes on us, so you can well imagine the laughs and giggles I can hear from 4 young lads in the distance. I jump up, pull my dress back down and try to walk away without a limp. (What is with that??? Seriously????) With skinned legs and all I managed to save my camera from damage. The gals still got it. Talk about embarrassing the boys.
The daylight soon disappears and we tuck in for the night. Tomorrow we plan to hike +2000 step to reach the top of Lion Head Rock and tour Sigiriya.
BTW. My planning is working!!! So far we are where we need to be, when we need to be there. Loving this adventure. The food here is AMAZING, every dish top notch! Best vacation food I have ever had!!!