Vegan Barlotto




1 Tbsp olive oil

1 C cooked barley

1/2 chopped onion

1/2 C chopped mushrooms

1 bell pepper chopped

1 C rinsed chickpeas

1/2 C sliced zucchini

1/2 C frozen green peas

1/2 C frozen corn

1/2 C cocktail tomatoes

1/2 C water or white wine

chopped parsley

grated parmesan cheese

1 pkg Epicure Simply Better baked Beans or Ratatouille Seasoning

Epicure’s Sea Salt (Grinder), to taste


Cook barley according to these instructions in Multipurpose Steamer.

Heat oil over medium heat, add onion, mushrooms, bell pepper, chickpeas and Epicure Simply Better Baked Beans Seasoning or Ratatouille seasoning. Add cooked barley, water or white wine, mix well.

Add peas, corn, zucchini and cocktail tomatoes, let simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Sprinkle with chopped parsley and grated parmesan cheese.

Serve with a glass of chilled white wine or beer.

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